does anyone know why an error like this ?? .
#warning Trying to use Windows header on Android is not wise ^ /storage/emulated/0/C++/Latihan.cpp:116:20: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('char *' and 'datasiswa') if (namaFile== siswa[i]){ ~~~~~~~~^ ~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated.
5 Antworten
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This happens when you use a header file that was actually meant for use on Windows, but you use it on Android. There are a lot of headers available for use only on Windows, for example the windows.h header for the windows API. So if you don't want to get this sorts of errors, check which header files you are using and see if they are platform specific
If I use Android, what header files can I use to succeed.
What do you want to make in Android? If I don't know that, I can't specify which header files to use
I just want to make a small report program assignment that can save files, with C ++ language material material files, input, output, sorting, and searcing.
Thank you for the advice.
No problem, but I will tell you the answer in DM since the forum is not a place for chatting