What programming language should I study first? Javascript or html?
11 Antworten
John Brix Sureta for any help just send me message on any doubt I am 24hrs available
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John Brix Sureta
It's Java or JavaScript?
You have already started to learn JavaScript. Complete first.
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John Brix Sureta Learn Html first because it is easy and you can complete in short time. After html learn CSS and then JavaScript.
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AJ #Infinity Love Thankyou just wanna know what should I study first so it'll become easier to undestand as I progress 😊 thankyou
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John Brix Sureta
Study in order
1. Html
2. Css
3. Js (Javascript)
4. Jquery
Beacuse the html is used inside the JS code so u would know about html
And css is very usefull to make ur weboage loom awesome before learning how to make it dynamic using JS
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Html isn't a program lenguaje, is a tag lenguaje. First learn Html and later JavaScript.
Javascript i mean
Abhay Cool! Thankyou 😊 I'll start with html now
You should study html at first, it is the main structure and then css to design html elements the javascript to change some elements in some conditions and php to write server side codes