Nested functions

How to write a program that has two functions, called prime() and PrimeOrNot(). The function prime() will take objects in a list L, and it will do the following: 1) It (prime()) will send each element of the list L, one at a time, to the function PrimeOrNot() 2) When an answer is returned from PrimeOrNot(), prime() will add that to a list P(P is initially empty). The function PrimeOrNot() will take in each element of L, from prime(), one at a time, and determine whether it is prime or not. If it is, it will return the value ‘Yes’ back to prime(). Otherwise, it will return the value ‘No’ back to prime(). My attempt: L=[1, 2,3,4] P=[] def Prime()?? def PrimeOrNot() : if num>1: for i in L: if (num%I)==0: print(i, 'is not prime') else: print(I, 'is prime') Q: How do I get prime() to send elements of L to PrimeOrNot() 1 at a time?

3rd Jun 2020, 2:04 AM
Nigel George
Nigel George - avatar
1 Antwort
First define your prime function that takes the list as an argument Define the prime_or_not(num) inside it, you want it to take one number at a time so you will pass only one argument that is a number from the list Then try a for loop inside the prime that iterates over the list and pass each number to the prime_or_not which returns an answer That is perhaps one way to do it, you can come up with a better solution. Good luck
3rd Jun 2020, 2:57 AM
Ali Abdelhady
Ali Abdelhady - avatar