What does I=I+1 do?!
i = 1 while i <=5: print(i) i = i + 1 print("Finished!") In this code, when I=I+1 exists, It prints 12345 When the code doesn't exist It prints 1111111111 I don't understand what I=I+1 do!!! Also don't understand that logic :/ A number= that number + 1?:/ how is it possible?😐
6 Antworten
+ 3
i=i+1 or u can write it like this too i+=1 means in each turn increase the value of i by 1 with saving the old value
in your code
first turn
i=1 as i <=5 then print the value of i and increase it by 1
second turn
i=1+1=2 2<=5 true the code will print the value of i which is 2 and increase it by 1
third turn
i=2+1=3 3<=5 true the same thing will happen here like the previous step
fourth turn
i=3+1=4 4<=5 true the same thing will happen here like the previous step
fifth turn
i=4 +1= 5 5<=5 true
the same thing will happen here like the previous step
sixth turn i=5+1=6 6<=5 false the while loop will be breaked
At finaly
print Finished
if u delete the condtion i=i+1
The condition inside the while loop will be true always which make the code print infinite 1 u can stop the program by click ctrl+c as this effect on the memory of the device
+ 2
i = 1
You start with a value of i, which is equal to 1
while i < 5:
Now there is a while loop which will continue until the condition is met.
Your condition is that i<5.
As your code iterates through the while loop, it will produce the result of each iteration.
i = i+1
Now for the fun part.
Your loop starts with value i=1
This is less than 5,
So print(i) => 1
i = i+1 => 1+1 => 2
Value i is now 2
Loop starts again because 2 < 5
print(i) => 2
i = i+1 => 2+1 => 3
Value is now 3.....
This pattern continues until 5 is achieved, the while loop returns True and stops the iteration.
Without i = i+1, your while loop will never stop because value i will never grow beyond 1
Another way of writing i = i + 1 is:
i +=1
+ 1
i = i+1 will add 1 to the variable i.(if i is 1, (i=i+1) =2)
If you take i = i+1 from the code, the while loop will never stop, because i will never be bigger or equal to 5, so it will print the i value (1) forever.
I hope it was helpful.
If not, let me know
In this question " l " is a variable.
In this case by default " l " value is 0.
l = l +1; --> it means that :
l = 0 + 1;
Therefore, now the value of " l" is 1.
Next time the value of "l" Will be
l = 1+ 1
Now value of " l " is 2.
Use same logic for others also.
The value of i is bigger for 1