+ 19
What is the best Css Framework
I want to create a fully responsive user interface for my blog. What is the best css framework for that?
31 Antworten
+ 12
TBH... I had to force myself to embrace the widespread, beloved by all, Bootstrap as it was the framework of choice by many companies.
I've traditionally been a home grown, mobile-first RWD CSS kind of guy and preferred not using a framework with all those col-(sm|md|lg|xl)-n blah blah blah css classes to define composite design and responsive behaviors. No matter how much I tried to evangelize some of my favorite bare bones Sass frameworks, I remained the odd man out.
Eventually, a few years after Bootstrap was released and became annoyingly ubiquitous, I stopped resisting and just made it work. Kind of like the "when in Rome" sort of thing... 😉
It's refreshing to see others who are now sharing my original gripes about Bootstrap.
That said, I don't hate Bootstrap anymore. It's 1000 times better than default unstyled HTML.
I honestly don't care which CSS framework I'm working with these days. They're all easy to learn and quick to setup.
So I let people who care more decide. 😂🤣
+ 8
David Carroll, Akila Madusanka
In continuation of my previous answer.
I use Bootstrap to save my self time when working with big projects against a close deadline. Big projects to me are not in terms of file size but of the technology used and whether it might be improved in future.
+ 7
Ore Adeleye I have a few follow up questions that might help clarify your feedback.
1. Why would the size of the website, big or small, affect your recommendation of a CSS framework?
2. Aside from size of CSS Framework, what benefits do Pure and Skeleton have over Bootstrap?
3. What edge does Pure have over Skeleton to be your recommendation?
4. Does size of website affect your recommendations?
5. If the website is larger, would you then recommend Bootstrap?
6. Are there any objective benefits to using Bootstrap?
I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with any particular answers. I'm just trying to help improve the quality of your answer.
+ 6
East or West Boostraph is best 😎use it bro for both responsive , beautiful websites
use it for big projects
for small projects you can simply do it in css
+ 6
While I also like bootstrap I really wish you all would comment on why you recommend it. Simply stating "bootstrap" or "bootstrap is the best" etc. offers no value to anyone. Opinions without supporting arguments are meaningless.
+ 4
Ore Adeleye if it's any consolation, the next major release of Bootstrap is supposed to eliminate jquery as a dependency. I love Bootstrap, but I look forward to seeing it get rid of jquery. I like focusing on the business logic of my projects, and find bootstrap works well enough to take care of the UI; though I do customize the appearance of things a little so as to not make it look like I just slapped a framework on my site(s) and called it a day lol
+ 4
Code Crasher Yeah. You are right. I advise beginners to be well grounded in CSS before using these franeworks.
+ 3
I would recommend you Bootstrap Framework since which has lots of features, you can make responsive pages easily with bootstrap, As my experience i have used only bootstrap, so for Responsive i would suggest you Bootstrap
+ 3
David Carroll In case of next time, it would be better if you numbered your questions since they are quite many.
[From: David Carroll]
Ore Adeleye Good idea. Numbers added. 😉👌
Why would the size of the website, big or small, affect your recommendation of a CSS framework?
Bootstrap contains so many features and components that can not all be used in a small application. There would be no point in customizing bootstrap just to use 2% of all it offers. Also bootstrap requires jquery which is another heavy library altogether. This would not make much difference in a larger application with modal dialogs, numerous forms etc.
Pure and Skeleton are both light weight and css only. So I think they are a better fit
What edge does Pure have over Skeleton to be your recommendation?
Pure has more features. It saves you some development time. Skeleton is very minimal. It is useful if you just want to prettify a good looking html or add some responsiveness
+ 3
Mike Yeah. I know about that. imo it will be the final death of jQuery 😅
+ 3
Ore Adeleye lol it served its purpose. Time to take it outside, Old Yeller style
+ 3
David Carroll "...so I let people who care more decide."
Yes! Lol
+ 3
see if you are a beginner so i wont suggest learning frameworks ...
try learning core first then (in any language not only css) and don't use any ide because you are in learning mode and ide(s) / frameworks are really bad at this stage ..
if you go for production stage then you can have both ...
till then dont use them ...
[ Bootstrap and Materialize Css] are some neat css frameworks...
+ 2
I would not recommend bootstrap for a small web site because bootstrap is heavy and many of the components imported in your code will go to waste. Try a smaller framework like Pure or Skeleton.
I recommend Pure
+ 2
Code Crasher not all frameworks add bloat. Some frameworks are very minimal and they tend to target things you are most likely to end up doing with css yourself. CSS frameworks, if they are customizable and flexible are always a good thing. A framework like Skeleton for instance is just about 4kb minified. It can be compressed to make it even smaller. And not all websites will be used a lot by people in rural areas
+ 1
As Mobile first design getting importance I pick up materialize css . other wise bootstrap is fine for me although I need to override every single css . I also heard good things about foundation but never tried
+ 1
I suggest bosstrap to be a best choice
+ 1
Boostrap is best framework in css
+ 1
Bootstrap would be the best
+ 1