+ 3
Where is the probleme here please!!!
10 Antworten
+ 6
As $¢𝐎₹𝔭!𝐨𝓝 posted link states strrev doesn't play nice. You can replace the line
for(int l = strlen(name)-1;l >= 0; --l)
printf("%c", name[l]);
and it should work as expected.
+ 4
~ swim ~ the issue with strrev goes beyond it being a non-standard function. It's fairly unstable. It's included here in SL in the string.h header, but doesn't work like it should 100% of the time. Just try running the OP's code several times and you'll see that it will work occasionally and then not work throwing an error the rest of the time.
+ 4
~ swim ~ I would agree with that sentiment, but the fact that it will link, compile and run without error on occasion would indicate that there is more than just a function prototype in the header or linked to the header in the source code somewhere. If it were the case that it resulted in an error 100% of the time then that would give solid merit to what you're stating. To the best of my knowledge and experience, I've never seen a function be able to run with just a prototype and no function definition. If you could explain how this happens with a given degree of certainty and examples I'd certainly enjoy and appreciate the education.
Note: As I was re-reading what I wrote in this post I felt it could be interpreted as being rude or snooty. Just to clarify, this is meant to be genuine and not a negative statement.
+ 4
Yes, I can get it to work. Takes several tries though. I don't code much in C or C++ anymore (primarily Java and python, but have used pretty much all of them here minus ruby for personal and production projects) so, I don't currently use an IDE with either, but have used several in the past.
I do understand the linking process, at least enough to grasp it, but admittedly I'm rusty when it comes to C/C++. I do however, have a pretty good foundation. I also understand that a project with just a prototype would compile just fine, but not run. This isn't what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that for whatever reason this function is unstable somehow, from what I can see, in the linking process.
+ 3
+ 1
ChaoticDawg yeah it's work thanks for help