Margins, positions, text-align and float
Think we have a header and with some content on it <header> <div id="container"> <div class="logo"> <img src="images/logo.png" alt="logo"> </div> <div class="navbar"> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Products</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class=search> <input type=text placeholder="Find something..."> </div> </div> </header> we have a logo and a navigation menu and a search input we want the logo to be on the right side of the page and search input on the left side of the page and the navigation menu also on the right side near the logo but with some distance how can we move the divs? with float right we can move the logo to the right side with float left we can move the search input to the left side but should we use margins or positions to move the navigation menu to where we want? All I want to know is that I wanna be able to move elements with CSS In a professional way I know we have a lot of ways to just move elements but I want the best way as fast as the professional web developers do