+ 50
What Programming books should I read?👀🤔
17 Antworten
+ 85
✨. https://www.codingdojo.com/blog/9-best-programming-books-read-right-now-want-distinguish/amp#aoh=15936817973065&referrer=https://www.google.com
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+ 15
These days you don't even need books that much. The internet has much more information.
+ 14
This is a website that has a lot of free ebooks for many programming languages, but they are more like a notes that will be good reference and they will help to know and learn some advanced points (These books are for people who have some knowledge in the programming language)
+ 14
Java - Head First Java by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates
Python - Python Crash Course
C - Data Structure Through C by Yashavant Kanetkar. ...
C++ - C++ Primers
+ 10
Learn Java in 21days
+ 10
If you want to learn C\C++ Programming, which I highly recommend, you should definitely purchase the book C Primer Plus by Stephen Prata and C++ Primer Plus. It explains everything thoroughly, it also includes review questions and programming exercises at the end of every chapter.
+ 9
"Thinking in Java" is ok but the latest book do not cover Java 8 and beyond.
"Java in 21 days" is ok but it is not easy for the beginners.
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+ 8
Delphi might be easier for beginner
+ 7
You can read Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke. It details all the JS things you might need.
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For python :
Learning python - Mark Lutz
Learn python the hard way - Zed A. Shaw
+ 5
Hey friends am using my Android to code JavaScript. I don't have a laptop so whenever I write my code in text editor it doesn't preview and I can't see the output. I use quick editor and notepad.help me
+ 2
For Kotlin:
• Atomic Kotlin - by Bruce Eckel and Svetlana Isakova
• The Joy of Kotlin - by Pierre Yves Saumont
• Mastering Kotlin: Learn Advanced Kotlin Programming Techniques to Build Apps for Android, IOS, and the Web - by Nate Ebel
U can learn about Kotlin from its official website too:
Kotlin is one of the great language today, u should definitely give it a try.
There is a free app on play store(not mine) that provides free ebooks to everyone for many languages and frameworks, see this:
+ 1
🤣🤣🤣what the hmmmmm
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Coding Interview