+ 3

Why scroll snapping doesn't work as expected?

(vpH - viewport height, fg - foreground, bg - background , elems - elements) I have a code which contains 3 txt elems in the fg and 3 img elems in the bg. The txt elems scroll vertically and accordingly, the img elems scroll horizontally ( done with JS ). I want to snap to the next (txt) elem while scrolling and it is working. It works fine when the container ('#content-wrapper') of txt elems has a height less than the vpH (till h = 99.9vh..!). But when I tried to span it over the entire viewport, I.e. it's height is now vpH, it doesn't snap anymore. Why is it so? https://code.sololearn.com/WbI0B6NXnh1J/?ref=app

5th Jul 2020, 1:50 AM
Hanuma Ukkadapu
Hanuma Ukkadapu - avatar
2 Antworten
Pikachu Girl It is working fine when #content-wrapper height is less than 100vh. But when I set it to 100vh, it won't snap anymore. I wanted to know why it is so.
11th Jul 2020, 7:21 AM
Hanuma Ukkadapu
Hanuma Ukkadapu - avatar