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Reuse SVG sprite.
I have an SVG sprite that works well if I include it in my HTML template. So I decided to separate it to its own file, sprite.svg, so that I can cache it. I am using <use xlink:href....> tags to fetch the images. But I found out my CSS styles no longer work on it. I think it is because it is not of the same DOM tree. Has anyone faced a similar problem? What can I do?
8 Antworten
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Ore Refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/use
The document highlighted that
"Since the cloned nodes are not exposed, care must be taken when using CSS to style a use element and its cloned descendants. CSS properties are not guaranteed to be inherited by the cloned DOM unless you explicitly request them using CSS inheritance."
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My colleague had the same case, it turned out that there was an error in the sprite that he had assembled manually and automatic assembly helped him. This is one of the options.
Try collecting sprite through Gulp
Anna/Аня It is not a Node project and I don't think Node is installed in the target machine. I was hoping that there is some sort of hack that makes CSS accessible cross-DOM
Anna/Аня Thanks but I am very sure there is no error in my file because it worked perfectly when I insert it in my HTML. It also works in the external file but my styles no longer affect the icons.
If needed, I can upload the necessary code to Sololearn to give a better picture.
Calviղ Of course, I have checked the docs before and it clearly says
There is currently no defined way to set a cross-origin policy for use elements.
If I don't find an hack around this, I might have to style the icons within the SVG file itself although that means I have a less reusable sprite.
I think this one of those situations where I have to forsake reusability for performance.
Ore there's not the one i mentioned, please read the document fully.
You are right, Calviղ. I found out the real problem was <use> only extract the needed chunk from my sprite without reading all the other nodes in the file. That means any <style> tag used in my sprite will be ignored. All I had to do was copy and paste the CSS styles of my sprite to my global CSS. Now it works. Thanks everyone.