10 Antworten
+ 8
Start by solving small tasks. You can find them on sites like leetcode.com, hackerrank.com or others. Using leetcode select "problems", then you can find tasks in different levels for you.
+ 6
Build small things and try to do some mathematical game or equation in python.
+ 4
I agree with the others. You can never learn to play the piano just by reading a book.
Choose a couple of projects and stay with them until you solve them. Only look at other people's solutions if you get stuck. And develop the code over time, as your Python knowledge increases. You can always find small things to do better ...
Other people's code can be a good source for learning about new things and can get you tips for your next project, but coding them for your own head.
Maybe a project where you try to find all the prime numbers (less then n), can be good to start with, or one where you try to calculate Fibonacci numbers?
+ 3
Anish-sama just go to google and type questions for practice python, you will get N number of questions even with the solution. Apart from this you can go to various websites like Hacker rank, code chef, where you can practice the real time problems.
+ 1
Coding on sololearn playground or free code camp is the only way to practice any programme language.
+ 1
Man its going to get easier everytime you make your own code try to make a password sistem with just using if else elif statements it will be fun and it will definetly help you
+ 1
shubham kumar no mate you can install a compiler and try your own codes definetly easier
I recommend this one..
Read Automate the Boring Stuff and actually code along and complete each project in the book. You will make some cool small projects by the end of it. Udemy has several courses for about $10(on sale) that have project based lessons. You learn faster making projects rather than doing apps. Find a 1 or 2 day project tou could complete in maybe 8 hours and just start doing it, then move on to a multi day or week long project. Keep it simple stupid, find what is comfortable for you and push just beyond that at all times without over exerting yourself. Youl grow exponentially