HELP! How do I create a type-writer effect?
I want to have the string, "Thanks for visiting our website!" appear letter by letter to create a type-writer effect. I tried to build my own code for this effect, but it didn't work out. (I'm a beginner in JavaScript) window.onload () { document.getElementById("typing").style.visibility = "hidden"; let x = 1 function typing() { for (x < 31) { document.getElementById("typing").charAt(x).style.visibility = "visible" x++; setTimeout(typing(), 100) } } Can someone tell me how to fix my code? Is my syntax or logic wrong? Thanks in advance!
3 Antworten
+ 2
tori the crafter 💛
I think you can't set visibility of individual letters (as they are not elements?)
Try this:
1. Store the element's textContent
var str = typeDiv.textContent
2. Setting the textContent of the element to an empty string
typeDiv.textContent = ''
3. In a function continuously add letter by letter to the element like this.
typeDiv.textContent += ste.charAt(index);
(I used textContent instead of innerHTML as the former is said to be faster than latter)
Here is a working example.
+ 1
tori the crafter 💛
Happy to help.!👍
Hanuma Ukkadapu Oh ok, thank you so much for explaining how to do it!