Can python used for app development? Can anyone suggest some apps based on python
2 Antworten
Yes, but it can be quite a challange since most apps are built using Java or Kotlin in Android Studio.
Lots of famous apps are made using Python, such as: Instagram, Pinterest, Uber, Spotify ...
If you only want to try Android development within Python, checking the Kivy library for Python would be a good way to start.
If you want to mix Python (backend) and Java, Pycharm is great!
What is the type of app? Web app? Mobile app? Desktop app? Technologies may differ according to the goal.
Python can be used for the back end of a web app using frameworks like Django and Flask. Pinterest is a web app that uses Python. It can be used for desktop applications as well, I believe Sublime Text is created using C++ and Python.
Python is not really the best choice for mobile app development, it is possible, but it might be hard.