Basic arithmetic and increment operator
It's easy to see the output for int a = 4, b; b=a+a cout<<b This gives 8 because b = 4+4 What if instead of cout<<b, we ask for b++? Why does the computer still give us 8 and not 9? From my understanding, b++ is equivalent to b=b+1. If b=8, why does the computer not print 9 for b++?
2 Antworten
+ 2
because b++ is a post-increment.
it cout (print) b then increment it to 9.
if you add another cout << b ; you get 9.
like :
cout << b++; // 8
cout << b; // 9
if you need to increment it then cout (print) , use cout << ++b;
basically the difference between post-increment b++ and pre-increment ++b.
+ 3
Solus If you will directly print b++ then output will be 8 Because It's post Increment which First assign the value then Increment value by 1
Just print it and see what you get
int b = 8;
cout << b++ << "\n";
cout << b;