Can i use React js on my old laptop?
I have a hp laptop with 4gb ram and Pentium processor with window 10. Can I use React js on this laptop. It almost takes 30 min to create React js app using 'create-react-app newapp'. Should I use to react on this laptop?
5 Antworten
Calviղ thanks for the response but this is not my answer that I want. I'm talking about in terms of performance
Maninder $ingh what do you mean by in term of performance?
React script linking has good performance too as lomg as precomplie babel to production codes, this method even recommended by ReactJS official site.
Calviղ my meaning is that can my old laptop handle this which has only 4gb ram and Pentium processor with window 10. Read the question description again.
Maninder $ingh the question I shared show different approach of setup react in easier and less resources way, go read the question again.