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Where can I learn and understand API better?

Getting migraine thinking about API as per some courses

16th Aug 2020, 12:45 PM
Tadeo Ainembabazi
3 Antworten
16th Aug 2020, 1:00 PM
Himanshu Shah
Himanshu Shah - avatar
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are constructs made available in programming languages to allow developers to create complex functionality more easily. They abstract more complex code away from you, providing some easier syntax to use in its place. They generally fall into two categories: 1. Browser APIs are built into your web browser and are able to expose data from the browser and surrounding computer environment and do useful complex things with it. For example, the Web Audio API provides JavaScript constructs for manipulating audio in the browser — taking an audio track, altering its volume, applying effects to it, etc. In the background, the browser is actually using some complex lower-level code (e.g. C++ or Rust) to do the actual audio processing. But again, this complexity is abstracted away from you by the API. 2. Third-party APIs are not built into the browser by default, and you generally have to retrieve their code and information from somewhere on the Web. For example, the Twitter API allows you to do things like displaying your latest tweets on your website. It provides a special set of constructs you can use to query the Twitter service and return specific information. For more details: 1. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/apis-for-beginners-full-course/ 2. https://www.restapitutorial.com/ 3. https://generalassemb.ly/blog/using-apis-full-stack-web-development-app-creation/ 4. https://digitaldefynd.com/best-api-courses/ 5. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Introduction Enjoy...
16th Aug 2020, 1:04 PM