+ 3
Sololearn Challenge Doubt
Hello everyone, I don't know whether my question is valid or not. A few days ago, I had lost a challenge, and the match final result was -46xp or so. I have lost many challenges, even with very low level players, but this one was out of expectation. Can anyone tell what could be the reason? My level was 13, and opponent's level was between 9-12.
3 Antworten
+ 3
Credits - Divya Mohan NiLesh
If I had just started learning a course and not completed it yet and I win a challenge with that course, then, I'll get extra answer bonus+win bonus, which results in a large value, which I get, and opponent looses.
Suppose I have won a challenge, and I got 17xp + 32xp, then the opponent looses the same.
(You'll get extra answer bonus only if you have never used that weapon before, and used that now and got a victory)
This is what happened to me.🤣😓.
+ 2
Your opponent might be in the level 9 to 12 having less experience point than that you have achieved their so probably whenever he tends to challenge you if he wins he'll get 32 XPs plus the marks he had scored and you'll lose xps and if you win you will get 1 XP + the marks achieved.
If you lose with the player who had played less challenges than you you will lose XPs.
+ 2
Let's say you challenges one who is at level 12 and just started HTML and you are on level 13 and completed HTML.
Then in this case if your opponent wins he will get bumper XPS while if you win you get say 1 point. 😔😔
It goes like this.