+ 3
Asignment is method programming
So in ruby a.b = 5 Is the same as a.b=(5) I was wondering if there was a programming language where a = 5 Is equivelent to a.=(5) Obviously in that kind of a paradigm types would control what can be asigned to them i expect such a language would be strongly typed. Lets say a was a fraction type. The Fraction type could define .=() so that a = 5 Is equivelent to a = Fraction.new(5,1) But the language would still be the strongly typed. I feel that would be really cool
3 Antworten
+ 1
In C++ you can overload operators if at least one operand is of user defined type.
I don't think I have fully understood your question but here is what I can have for demonstration purpose.
User is a user defined data type and we are assigning a string to user object.
= operator is overloaded such that when you assign a std::string to it changes name field of user object.
I hope this is somewhat close to what you are asking :)
+ 1
Thanks so much i had no idea C++ had such cool capabilities. That was exactly what i was asking. Can amy other languages do that?
I have seen people doing it in python.
and on google I found that even ruby can do this!
see the faqs : https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/faq/7/