+ 27
What was the most insane code you ever wrote?
"Insane", in this case, means whatever you want it to mean. Just share some wild stories. I'm curious to hear what you have to say!
44 Antworten
+ 37
I was taking a classroom course in BASIC in 1977 and wrote a program that mimicked the logon screen on one of the terminals but sent the user's password to the printer (where I was sitting) as the diagonal of an otherwise random block of text. Ooops did I say that?
+ 32
Recently finished a puzzle solver in a few hours when I had 2 months to do it. Now I'm bored again...
+ 30
System.out.println("Hello World"); is the most INSANE code.
At that time , I literally didn't knew the meaning of this.
+ 26
Assignment work with over 30 different user-defined functions linking up and recursively calling each other in their definitions. Successful runs, but impossible to maintain.
+ 24
It might not be insane for others, but making my first HTML5 game in canvas from scratch in 4 hours is the most insane code I ever wrote :D
+ 20
A program for solving Rubik's Cubes (done via a robot)
+ 17
creating a multi series program
i.e.,prime numbers, palindrome no, Armstrong no, perfect no and Fibonacci series
with further 3 options
i.e., single number, 1 to limit , limit to limit
+ 15
i once write 679 line code in php just to know that i have to debug it 21 times.
it's hard 😥😥😥
+ 13
i wrote a stream link requester to check all availabe stream sites i knew for my requested movies or series and extract the direct link to it excluding any adds
+ 13
I was dirt broke around Valentine's Day and needed to give my mother a gift of some sort, so I wrote a html Valentine's card for her.. After I explained to hard work it took to write all of that in a short amount of time, let's just say I'm considered the best son in the world now...👍
+ 12
The answer depends on the level of developer. For newbie, all code that works is INSANE code.
+ 11
@POJO Haha! My first ever coding experience was on a Casio programmable calculator. I made a text based "movie" mocking my math teacher. I didn't even know how to use delays and ended up with a reeeeeally long program by simply repeating the same thing over and over again through copy paste.... Good times!
+ 11
I code a game of questionnaire 😁
similar to "Who wants to be a millionaire" in C++ which had 5 questions with negative points in each.
+ 10
This was an html/css hack, but one time i solved the problem of rounded corners in all browsers without linking to external files. This included IE6. I had to generate hexadecimal code for each image file - six divs of different colors, four corners each ofc, at 10x10px - and embed them into the document using special code that would only execute on various versions of IE. I had a special line of code for every version of IE in use by more than 10% of IE users. Then i used CSS3 to draw rounded corners in Mozilla, Safari, and Chrome (this "experimental" style had been introduced only a few months earlier). The file wound up being extremely large by web standards of the day. The project wound up failing because the project leader's web host (a poorly rated free site) used JavaScript to inject styles that overrode my carefully tiered CSS. I was really upset.
+ 10
i created a new language called newB
Wrote it just to test language / compiler theory !
Users can customise their own keywords. It has creole as default config. English as coorp lang.
Must find time to develop it further. If you are interested to port it to other languages or contribute to it, say it in the articles below.
See it here :
http://wp.me/p7UB6x-oV and http://wp.me/p7UB6x-qY
Thanks for reading this !
+ 10
I was learning Java at a course and the task was to say what day of the week it is by a number, user's input, which was the ordinal number of some year's day. I wanted initially to put each 365 day in if-sentence.
+ 10
i made monopoly in batch
+ 10
when I wrote FaceBook :) kidding... The most insane code I ever wrote was a custom version of Pastel Accounting.
+ 10
1) I created a scientific calculator in C. It has more than hundred features, some of them are not available in scientific calculators too. It was 4000 lines of code.
2) When I started learning C, I wrote a silly program for calculating determinant of a matrix. I defined 7 functions one for each of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, ..., 8x8. Guess what, the 8x8 function has 64 arguments (I don't know arrays then. I scanned each matrix element into a separate variable). I laugh like hell when I remember this.
+ 10
Needless to say guys, from that day forward i was known as the dude that was trying to take over the channels, to hack X or the IRC servers, if anyone got his account banned it was my doing, if anyone forgot his password i had to knew it, i would get random shady requests from people to hack into their spouses email accounts, proposals for illegal-ish shure-thing operations that were "right on my alley" not mention the threats and descriptive promises of bodily harm, and all because i was trying to build myself a bot on IRC.
For me, that snowball effect born mostly from people's ignorance .. it was insane.