+ 7

1. Advantages when installing Kali Linux as primary OS ??

Whats the difference when installing Kali Linux over Microsoft and vice versa ? ? ? I have heard that it would be preferable to install Microsoft over Linux. I know that Microsoft is spying but is that the only reason ???

23rd Oct 2020, 7:04 AM
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0 - avatar
13 Antworten
+ 8
Linux is best because : 1. Open Source Nature 2. Secure 3. Can revive older computers 4. Perfect For Programmers 5. Software Updates 6. Customization 7. Variety Of Distributions 8. Free to Use 9. Better Community Support 10. Reliability 11. Privacy For more Read this -> https://itsfoss.com/linux-better-than-windows/
23rd Oct 2020, 7:05 AM
Alphin K Sajan
Alphin K Sajan - avatar
+ 7
23rd Oct 2020, 7:08 AM
Alphin K Sajan
Alphin K Sajan - avatar
+ 7
onekpsc First of all I wanna thank ya for having spent a bit time for giving me an answer ! Indeed I wanna become a white hat, an ethical hacker, or (undercover cyber police agent) with the goal to prevent and discover cyber-criminality and to preserve cyber-security !! But I m a beginner ... I ve got the amazing advice installing SoloLearn in February this year !! I m consciente that I first have to master program languages as Python, Javascript, Ruby, and C languages coz I ve heard that when having good knowledges in C programs, Linux would be easier to handle. 2 amazing hackers gave me the advice to install OS Microsoft over OS Linux ... and I m honest, I don’t have any trust in Microsoft coz it’s spying. So if I will installing Linux over Microsoft, Microsoft has easy to look what I m working on Linux ???
25th Oct 2020, 7:31 AM
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0 - avatar
+ 6
Each one has its own pros and cons. Obviously linux is best for developers as it used by skilled guys unlike user friendly persons use window or rich guys lick MACos ... My choice is kali linux or even parrotsec but as kali linux is maintained by offsec team ...a team of highly talented pentesters .... Has plenty of programin and reverse engineerin stuff inbuilt ....
23rd Oct 2020, 7:10 AM
Alphin K Sajan
Alphin K Sajan - avatar
+ 6
Alphin K Sajan Thank ya very much ... Me too I wanna install Kali Linux. Just wanted to hear an advice from an objective person ! Have a great day 😊
23rd Oct 2020, 7:27 AM
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0 - avatar
+ 6
onekpsc ha .That's too much info in 1 comment.Why can't u make it a lesson .lol 😂
25th Oct 2020, 9:34 AM
Alphin K Sajan
Alphin K Sajan - avatar
+ 5
Claudia Cadamuro Wlcm. Have a nice day.
23rd Oct 2020, 8:24 AM
Alphin K Sajan
Alphin K Sajan - avatar
+ 4
Okey.. but why installing OS Microsoft over OS Linux ??
23rd Oct 2020, 7:06 AM
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0 - avatar
+ 3
Alphin K Sajan little bit too much input for a green horn like me 😂😂 But first I need to master coding languages !!!
4th Nov 2020, 12:17 PM
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0
K1auDIa KaDaM0UR0 - avatar
+ 2
Virtualbox is a desktop app which primarily creates some space in the host operating system which can be utilized by other operating system like linux or mac If you use linux inside windows using virtual box , trust me windows will never spy on you cz so many peoples are using virtualbox worldwide If you really want to become cyber security expert then Learn these concepts in depth in linux 1) Advanced file navigation 2) Check background processes , ports which are open, how to close them etc.. 3) Package management 4) any one programming language completely I am not a hacker here but I know how hackers trying to gain access into computers etc.. If you got sufficient grip on linux then I suggest these distros 1) Fedora or ubuntu - For daily use 2) kali or parrot - For hacking and stuff 3) Arch - pro command line user 4) Tails OS - to access dark web Using linux as primary OS is like "your Life your Rules". With all these suggestions I am just a 0.1% beginner to world of hacking.
25th Oct 2020, 8:22 AM
+ 2
Claudia Cadamuro You absolutely do not need to know C to use Linux. My main driver has been some form of Arch (Artix Linux now) for years and my knowledge of C is abysmal.
25th Oct 2020, 7:32 PM
Maxwell Anderson
Maxwell Anderson - avatar
+ 1
Kali is the linux distribution used for penetration testing , ethical hacking If you know linux completely then you run it as primary OS I do not recommend linux as primary OS if you are beginner But why ? You will definitely get into problems easily in linux and even it may consume lot of search in web to fix it.
25th Oct 2020, 5:53 AM