How can I code matrix with array so that can get them in batches.
Example Id downlines( level1) 1- 2,3 2-4,5 3- 6,7 4- 8,9 5- 10,11 Id downlines(level2) 1- 4,5,6,7 2- 8,9,10,11 3- 12,13,14,15 4- 16,17, 18,19 5- 20,21,22,23 Id downlines(level3) 1- 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 2- 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 3- 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 4-32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 Therefore id 1 person have downlines At level1....id2, id3 At level2...id4, id5, id6, id7 At level3....id8, id9, id10, id11, id12, id13, id14, id15. Id2 also downlines At level1....id4, id5 At level2....id8, id9, id10, id11 At level3....id16, id17 ,id18, id19, id20, id21, id22, id23. And I want to run them in 100 batches like if 100id complete ,the next 101 becomes id1 and his downlines would be 102id and 103id
2 Antworten
Actually it is binary matrix pyramid but I want to avoid endless broaden of the bottom by running them in batches