+ 4

Which code editor you use when you are coding? In which language are you coding ?

coding lang and editors

13th Mar 2017, 10:16 AM
Johon Хушбоков
Johon Хушбоков - avatar
17 Antworten
+ 9
I prefer VS Code for html, css js,and PHP
14th Mar 2017, 3:23 PM
Siddharth Saraf
+ 3
java :- eclipse , netbeans html :- code blocks, notepad++, brackets
13th Mar 2017, 10:33 AM
Meharban Singh
Meharban Singh - avatar
+ 3
i mostly code in java and i have used netbeans but maybe it is not for me it automatically add so me comments. but i m currently using notepad++ it's the best text editor for programming
13th Mar 2017, 11:45 AM
shobhit - avatar
+ 2
notpad++ or dreamwever for html dreamwever for css,js dev cpp for c++
13th Mar 2017, 11:12 AM
NedA - avatar
+ 2
C++ - visual studio Java - IntelliJ HTML, CSS, JS - WebStorm PHP - PhpStorm Python - PyCharm
13th Mar 2017, 11:21 AM
Jakub Stasiak
Jakub Stasiak - avatar
+ 2
atom is soooooo cool, I use atom for almost all languages
13th Mar 2017, 3:42 PM
Sepehr Azizi
Sepehr Azizi - avatar
+ 2
Scala on IntelliJ
13th Mar 2017, 8:29 PM
1of3 - avatar
+ 2
I use netbeans for php-HTML-CSS But Notpad ++ is mothereditor for me!
14th Mar 2017, 2:44 AM
Hamid Firoozi
Hamid Firoozi - avatar
+ 2
I was using Sublime, Visual Studio Code and finally fell in love with Brackets - so I guess this is the end of the story! P.S. using for web (html, css, js, php).
14th Mar 2017, 2:19 PM
Gintare Kon
Gintare Kon - avatar
+ 2
Eeditor NotePad++ , IDE DreamWeaver
17th Jun 2017, 2:23 AM
Sajjad Biuki
Sajjad Biuki - avatar
+ 1
sublime text for html/css php storm for php
13th Mar 2017, 10:17 AM
Johon Хушбоков
Johon Хушбоков - avatar
+ 1
C/C++ - Bloodshed Dev C++ Java - Netbeans and Eclipse Web (HTML, CSS) - Sublime PHP - Sublime, PHP Designer, RapidPHP VB.Net and C# - Visual Studio
13th Mar 2017, 1:17 PM
देवेंद्र महाजन (Devender)
देवेंद्र महाजन (Devender) - avatar
+ 1
I use notepad++ for every language. because you can add plugins and with them you can run any language.
14th Mar 2017, 10:23 AM
ElaiA ReBornSs
ElaiA ReBornSs - avatar
+ 1
Sublime Text Editor is an open source text editor it support about 50 lunguages also you can install packages for amazing abilities.
15th Mar 2017, 6:46 AM
Rateb Özil
Rateb Özil - avatar
+ 1
vim all the way! C, CPP, Python, Go.
9th Jul 2017, 5:47 PM
Charles Cianos
Charles Cianos - avatar
Visual Studio Community for C# and C++ Code Blocks for C and C++ Sublime Text and Notepad++ for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
17th Jun 2017, 2:28 AM
Isaac Salcedo
Isaac Salcedo - avatar