+ 3

What is the main use of python ? What programs can we make?

15th Nov 2020, 8:21 AM
Minaal Nigam
Minaal Nigam - avatar
11 Antworten
+ 6
Almost any type of program as others have stated.
17th Nov 2020, 5:31 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 5
Python is a general purpose programing language, you can make largest varity of programs using it.
15th Nov 2020, 8:26 AM
Arsenic - avatar
+ 4
15th Nov 2020, 9:36 AM
David Ashton
David Ashton - avatar
+ 1
You should pick your tools based on what you want to make, not the other way around
16th Nov 2020, 1:17 AM
Bhavya - avatar
+ 1
PYTHON was used to make 1)portable grpahical user interfaces 2)data base access programs 3)web based systems 4)operating systems interfaces 5)games 6)python was used for network scripting 7)python was used for test pattern matching 8)python was used for numeric programming Python and its libraries 1)the NUMPY replaces the MATLAB 2)by SOAP,XML-RPC we can interact over networks 3)PYTHON had the special API for GUI making which was TKINTER,WXPYTHON,PYQT,PYGTK,PYWIN32,IRONPYTHON,JPYPE 4)the MOD_PYTHON package was used for server side templating 5)python provides web development frameworks such as DJANGO,TURBOGEARS,WEB2PY,PYLONS,WEBWARE 6)component integrarion also possible in python CYTHON(C+PYTHON) JYTHON(JAVA+PYTHON) Ironpython(.Netbased) 7)for data base programming We have Zodb,durus,pymongo, 8)for game and multimedia we have pygame,cgkit,pyglet,pysoy,panda3d 9)for serial port communications we had PYSERIAL 10)for image processing we have Pillow Pyopengl Blender Maya See next comment
16th Nov 2020, 5:32 PM
VAMSI - avatar
+ 1
11)for robot control we had PYRO 12)For matural language analysis we have NLTK 13)for spereadsheet function and macro programming PYXLL DATA NITRO 14)for media file processing PYMEDIA ID3 Pil/pillow 15)for aAI PYBRAIN MILK 16)for system programming PYCLIPS Pyke Pyrolog Pydatalog 17)for network monitoring Zenoss 18)for design and modeling PytohnCAD Python occ Free cad 19)Document processing and generation Reportlab,sphinx,cheetah,pypdf 20)for data visualization Mayavi,matplotlib,vtk,vpython 21)for XML parsing Xml Xmlrpclib 22)for data mining Orange framework Patrern bundle Scrapy Custom code For every requirement there is an library in the PYTHON
16th Nov 2020, 5:42 PM
VAMSI - avatar
+ 1
Few companies and their PYTHON usage 1)GOOGLE-WEV SEARCH SYSTEMS 2)YOUTUBE-VIDEO SHARING SERVICE 3)DROPBOX-STORAGE SERVICE CODES BOTH ITS SERVER AND CLIENT SIDE 4)PIXAR,MAGIC,INDUSTRIALLIGHT:for animations making 5)ESRI:GI MAPPING PRODUCTS 6)google app engine web developmemt framework uses python as application language 7)Iron port email-server had nearly 1million python lines init 8)irobot uses for developing of commercial and military robotic devices 9)intel,cisco,hp,seagate uses python for hardware testing 10)jpmorgan,chase,ubs,getco uses python for financial market forecasting 11)nasa,losalamos,fermilab,jpl uses python for scientific programming
16th Nov 2020, 5:51 PM
VAMSI - avatar
used for data science..
17th Nov 2020, 2:04 AM
Eliud kibrit.
Eliud kibrit. - avatar
* little terminal scripts * simplified APIs for artists and other non programmer users * real-time (not the most performant) * re-use Python libraries (here in SL got an example with ML and DS courses) * an option to those who want code but not dig so deep in the inner mechanics of programming
17th Nov 2020, 8:37 AM
Kiwwi# - avatar