Что я неправильно сделал?🤔
INSERT INTO Animals VALUES ('Slim', 'Giraffe', 1); Select * from Animals; SELECT country FROM Animals INNER JOIN Countries On Animals.country_id=Countries.id;
6 Antworten
+ 1
Garnik , where did you make sort? Do you see which columns give your code?
+ 1
Garnik , if you follow the task description you will solve it. Remove the line SELECT * FROM Animals. Then it is mentioned which columns you need => not only country, finally in this query make the sort.
зто задача 3ий ,ни как не могу
This is third task in SQL,i can’t decide it.
okay,thank you, i'll try this
Гарник, добрый день! У вас получилось решить 3-ю задачу? Или это ошибка разработчиков?