Regular expression can’t solve - one bug in hidden test
(NOT SURE WHY ALL CAPS) THE PROGRAM IS SUPPOSED TO TAKE OFF THE FIRST TWO ‘00’ AND REPLACE WITH A ‘+’ IN A PHONE NUMBER BUT THERES ONE TEST THAT WONT WORK IN THE CODE COACH AND ITS HIDDEN SO I CAN’T TELL WHAT THE PROBLEM IS import re phone = input() pattern = r'00' match = re.search(pattern,phone) if match.start() == 0 and match.end() == 2: new = re.sub(pattern, '+', phone) print(new) else: print(phone)
1 Antwort
+ 1
pattern = r"^00" instead of pattern = "00"
^ means start and so that it will only change the 00 in the beginning instead of all 00.
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r"00" - - -> +148+132
r"^00" - - -> +14800132
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Another thing,
match = re.match(pattern, phone)
Use re.match instead of re.search so it will start checking the string from left to right rather than all of it at the same time.
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And another cause of error is when the number does not start with 00 the "match" variable will have 'None' value which will cause an error in if-else statement.
I hope this helps. Please update me if the problem is still not solved. Thanks and Happy Coding!