How do you write a program to take N numbers as input and output all even numbers from 1 to N inclusive, each on a new line.
May anyone help? I am confused with how you stop the loop at the input and how you valdate the num is even.
8 Antworten
+ 5
while True :
n = int(input())
if not n%2:
+ 3
Hi Jay Scott
Which language?
Could you post your attempt also so we may see where you are struggling
+ 2
Here is a python example:
user_num = int(input())
for i in range(user_num +1):
if i%2==0:
+ 2
the question leaves room for questions.
From your statement "1 to N inclusive" I'd assume that N is just one number and reflects the maximum (even) number to print.
Considering this (and python as language) that should work:
for i in range(1,int(input("Max:"))+1):
if not i%2:
As second solution, as Frogged already demonstrated:
you can get multiple input values, maybe collect them in a list, and as soon as the input is just a carrige return (or anything that is not number, like the string "end") you can print out the list:
mylist = []
while True:
for i in mylist:
if not i%2:
+ 2
I've been strugling with this one quite a bit and the posts i found didn't really clear it up for me. (probably because im still not skilled at C# at all and don't recognize what the others were suggesting).
Eventually this worked for me, i'd thought I post it, mabey it will help someone else :)
int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int res = 0;
//your code goes here
while (res < num)
res ++;
if (res % 2 == 0)
+ 1
Abhik Mukherjee
The following is straight out of the c# tutorial, Conditions and Loops.
I suggest you revisit
for (int i =0; i <=10; i+=2){
+ 1
@Rik Wittkopp Thanks a lot mate. It was indeed simple and mere foolish on my part. Much appreciated.
Hello everyone, I am also facing the same issue but I guess the question being asked is for the C# code, so it'll be very helpful if anyone can explain it.