The head and the title tags in html
The title tag still runs properly without being placed between head tag Is it really necessary to place it between head? What's the difference between writing in inside and outside the head tag?
4 Antworten
Modern browser can reconize title tag element almost everywhere. It's useful put into head for Seo and spider bot.
Why do you need to put title outside head? Question is pure curiosity?
+ 2
I think you should do title tag in head just to keep it organised. Who needs it in the body? It isn't even displayed in the body. I also think that not every browser recognises that tag everywhere. I would recommend you to keep the title in head.
Ok thank you all
<title> has a specific purpose, and must be placed inside head to be considered as valid, even if browsers are expected to correct your code if it's not (but seo and spider bots could not find them and/or decrease your page ranking ^^)