+ 4

How can i remove a scroll to id action from a button in wordpress? Which code should i add or remove?

These codes are related to this button; idk what to do with : a.w-btn[href*="#"] :not ([onclick]),\ a.smooth-scroll[href*="#"]' ,buttonActiveClass: 'active' ,menuItemActiveClass:'current-menu-item',menuItemAncestorActiveClass:'current-menu-ancestor',animationDuration:$us.canvasOptions.scrollDuration,animationEasing:$us.getAnimationName('easeInOutExpo'),endAnimationEasing:$us.getAnimationName('easeOutExpo')};this.options=$.extend({},defaults,options||{});this.blocks={};this.isScrolling=!1;this._events={cancel:this.cancel.bind(this),scroll:this.scroll.bind(this),resize:this.resize.bind(this)};this._canvasTopOffset=0;$us.$window.on('resize load',$us.debounce(this._events.resize,10));$us.timeout(this._events.resize,75);$us.$window.on('scroll',this._events.scroll);$us.timeout(this._events.scroll,75);if(this.options.attachOnInit){this.attach(this.options.attachOnInit)} $us.$canvas.on('contentChange',this._countAllPositions.bind(this));if(document.location.hash&&document.location.hash.indexOf('#!')==-1) ...

9th Mar 2021, 3:19 PM
𝓝𝓔𝓓𝓐 - avatar
2 Antworten
12th Mar 2021, 8:55 AM
𝓝𝓔𝓓𝓐 - avatar
i ran the code and it gave a syntax error. this means something equivalent to a grammar or punctuation mistake, rather than saying something incorrect by mistake. i dont know javascript as well as i wished, but in the first line of code, it looked like you were using the multiply assign operator inside an index slicer (coming from python). if this is the case, that would raise a syntax error because you cannot assign href and use the assignment operation as an index.
12th Mar 2021, 1:59 PM
Wilbur Jaywright
Wilbur Jaywright - avatar