Help with jagged arrays : Solved!
The qualifiers for the Olympiad lasts 3 days, and one winner is selected each qualifying day. The jagged array you are given represent the list of all participant, divided by the number of days (there are 3 arrays inside the main one, each representing the participants who took part at that day). Write a program to take the numbers of each day's winners as input and output them. Sample Input 2 3 4 Sample Output Bridgette Ramona Fran Mayur Kristian Dana Explanation Day 1 winner is Bridgette Ramona (the 2nd participant of day 1) Day 2 winner is Fran Mayur (the 3rd participant of day 2) Day 3 winner is Kristian Dana (the 4th participant of day 3) Remember that the indexing starts from 0, so, if you want to output Nth participant, you should use the N-1 index.