tell me how to make sure that when the array element reaches Saturday, the array starts repeating again
let dayWeek = new Date(); let days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; let d = new Date().getDay() let choose = confirm('Want to see the next day?'); while (choose == true) { alert(days[d]) d++; let choose = confirm('Want to see the next day?'); if (choose == false) { break; } }
7 Antworten
+ 3
Just add an if statement that checks if d is greater than or equal to the last index + 1 (length) and sets d to 0 if true.
+ 3
//Thank you all, I did it so
let dayWeek = new Date();
let days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
let d = new Date().getDay()
alert("Today is " + days[d]);
let choose = confirm('Want to see the next day?');
while (choose == true) {
if (d >= 6) {
d = -1;
let choose = confirm('Want to see the next day?');
if (choose == false) {
//Everything seems to be working))
+ 2
i believe you need a if statement where d++ is. if d is greater than or equal to 6, set d equal to 0. an example of a shorthand (ternary) conditional if statement is provided below:
d >= 6 ? d = 0: d++;
or if you prefer:
if (d >= 6) {
d = 0
} else {
+ 2
Andrew Choi
Your ternary should be like;
d = d >= 6 ? 0 : ++d;
Using an if statement could be a few different ways depending on where you use d++ or ++d.
if (d >= 7)
d = 0;
if (++d >= 7)
d = 0;
if (d++ >= 6)
d = 0;
+ 2
ChaoticDawg i appreciate the input. looks like either options will work.
+ 2
Martin Taylor too true. Lol and a very common solution.
Sometimes, I just use the K.I.S.S. method instead for the question, so I don't need to explain my previous explanation.