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[solved] More likes than accounts liked

I saw that there is a content, rating* of which is greater than amount of people who liked it (as appears when clicking the rating). I know that if the rating is less than amount of accounts liked it, it means that someone disliked it. But it seems that there is no way to increase the rating anonymously. As it seems to happen with several-years-old content, I can surmise that it happens when account holder liked it and then discontinued the account or account is being banned. Is it like this, nearly like this (then what is wrong or missing?) or is there another reason behind this (then what is that reason?)? * I meant "amount of likes minus amount of dislikes that appears between the like and dislike buttons" by "rating".

25th Apr 2021, 9:01 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
11 Antworten
+ 2
Slick, yes. Dislike is just a sign that the disliker hates the content/its creator (assumed with the time)/etc., it is also used by people that do not want to be fair (for example, who dislike everything because they can or because they want their content to be more popular this way); like is a sign that the liker likes the content/its creator (assumed with the time)/etc., it is also used for promotion. The only matter is that people with herd behaviour as always-dominating could have the wrong opinion about things because of people liking/disliking those things. ~~I would still be glad if you un-dislike your answers, so that they would not seem to be so bad for third-side people.~~ To be honest, I often ask myself questions like that because of pure wonder. Example: I have found a folder in Android root that seems to lead to the main folder and ended up with conclusion that it just points to the same block of memory.
25th Apr 2021, 11:05 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
+ 2
Off-topic, but the conversation between me and Slick "aged well"...
28th Jul 2023, 1:05 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
Slick, to be honest, the second paragraph is nearly what I wanted to get. About that it is not related to programming, questions here should be related to either programming, Sololearn or both. If you would search for some questions (for example, by searching with "community" query), you will find a lot of questions that are related to Sololearn but not programming and have been neither deleted nor warned. About the first paragraph, are there some limitations on what a person can think? Only the person themselves. If they like/want to think about it and have enough time, it is likely that they would think about it. If people would not think of unimportant things, there would not be program testers, so that there would be a lot of errors in worldwide products, and many science stuff, what may lead to many really important questions unanswered. About the advice to email SoloLearn, I think, when asking there, other people wondering about it can eventually find the answer (in addition, I do not use e-mailing).
25th Apr 2021, 9:24 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
- 1
Slick, I just found out that thing and started wondering about it. There seem to be no questions dedicated to this, so I asked it to clarify it. Seems that you have been for long time in this community and know it, but I am not enough time here (and maybe am not active enough), so, I think, it is obvious that I seem to not know why is it thus.
25th Apr 2021, 9:06 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
- 1
There are a few. And even if this is app breaking (wich its not), nobody here could do anything about it nor should it even be a thing to waste time on. Email info@sololearn if you want it clarified. All this does is put in some people's mind that they can create multiple accounts and like their own content to seem popular. And if they get the account deleted, all the likes will still be there. Its all pretty pointless and not at all about programming.
25th Apr 2021, 9:14 AM
Slick - avatar
- 1
You are posting about likes. Literally the most worthless online currency invented. Can you eat with your likes? Buy a house? Ride likes to another city? Live a long fullfilling life with those likes? Or is all of that just some ego inflating nonsense that only complete airheads worry about? Your guess is as good as mine.
25th Apr 2021, 9:47 AM
Slick - avatar
- 1
Slick, about reassuring the opinion, you could be right. At first, I thought that it would be better if I already include my thought about this, so that there is less chance of the opposite: asking what is my opinion and some portion of hate because my question is poorly made.
25th Apr 2021, 9:48 AM
#0009e7 [get]
#0009e7 [get] - avatar
- 2
Yes thats it, now please explain why this matters in the slightest.
25th Apr 2021, 9:04 AM
Slick - avatar
- 2
And opinions are like... I hope you see where I'm going there. and get, the point i was trying to make is likes and dislikes are irrelevant. watch this, ill dislike all my own comments and it won't do anything. 50 people could dislike it and theyd have the right to. Its nothing to complain of or see as bad. Im suprisingly still alive haha
25th Apr 2021, 9:49 AM
Slick - avatar
- 3
I see that as a huge problem. I've seen a lot of "questions" that turn out to be people just wanting someone else to reassure their opinion. Thats not what this is for, it's to help people with problems not their delusions
25th Apr 2021, 9:28 AM
Slick - avatar