Why CSS is important for making websites
6 Antworten
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Frontend — anything that the browser can read, display, and / or run. That is, it is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tells the browser what the content of the page is, for example, "title", "paragraph", "list", "list item".
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) tells the browser how to display elements, for example, "after the first paragraph, an indent of 20 pixels" or "all text in the body element should be dark gray and written in the font Verdana".
JavaScript tells the browser how to respond to certain interactions using a lightweight programming language. Most sites don't actually use a lot of JavaScript code, but if you click on something and the page content changes without the screen flashing white, it means that JavaScript was used somewhere.
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In simple words, CSS makes your website attractive! In website, the beauty also matters, because it can attract the user to see your page!
CSS is used to style your web page!
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html is the framework, the skeleton of the site, javascript is the muscles of the site, css is the beauty of the site, like cosmetics for women
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Css is very important to make user-friendly sites. If user experience will not better no one gonna come again there. Css binds user to your sites with style and animations. So if you want to public and present your website to other you should use css.
its in the name. Style
Wow but not unique