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Running in a new cmd window.
Hi, so im using g++ to compile my code. also using the windows command prompt to run the .exe file. but when I use the command prompt it will run the program on the same console im using. is there a way that It will open up on a new console window?
5 Antworten
+ 1
after compiling type,
start myapp.exe
strat is CMD command to run/start a program (new window).
Example: start Notepad.exe
is this wht u trying to do ?
thanks for the replyhmm. it does what i want to do. but this one is something that you will do if you want a specific function or part of the application to be shown in a different window. what i want is to run the entire application on a different console window.
so i have a console say "console1" to navigate to my files and compile using g++. now when I run the .exe file, I want the entire application to run on a different console window, "console2"
console1 - to navigate and compile
conaole2 - external console specifically for a running application.
thanks this is what i want, your awesome ;)
Happy to help!