How can i successfully insert javascript in html+css...??
I created a simple code with html and css. I gave it different colors using 'class' and 'identity'..But as soon as i inserted a javascript to create an 'alert box' and then opened it in chrome....it had lost all its colrs..it was black and white...and an alert box was there at the start...plz help
4 Antworten
if you closed alert it stays same? Also, you tryed to clear your browser cache and history?
where you inserted js, you closed tags and everything?
yes...i checked my coding many times....and also cleaned my browser's cache and history on your reply....but still it is the same....
i inserted js externally....and i tried by putting the link in the head and then in the body....but when i opened it was the alert box.....after closing the alert box....my page appeared as i coded but without any effect by css....
now it is working......