How to add image source in sololearn it won't work in my mobile
15 Antworten
+ 2
This question already been asked at least 200 times in sololearn.So please use the search bar:
+ 2
Rabilu Abdulaziz don't spam other one question, all the more with unrelated question ^^
anyway, your code is fine (good method) and others methods will not make noticeable difference ;P
if you want to view other ways to solve it, rather use the search functionalitiy: there are already a lot of question requiesting help for this task, where you could find alternatives ;)
+ 1
you must host (upload) image to cloud, and use absolute url in src attribute ^^
+ 1
Akash Kumar yes, but it won't work if you share your code (or make it public) ^^
+ 1
Akash Kumar it would also not work if you open your code on another device ^^
+ 1
Akash Kumar I mean: by using file:/// protocol ;)
+ 1
Akash Kumar yes, but what if you worked on project, save it, and change device to continue working on project? ;P
In sololearn you can't upload directly your photo from your storage .You should upload it on a image hosting website and then make a img tag.
Carolina Humphrey Please keep your comments 13+. Your comment has been reported. It's not acceptable to post any NSFW content in a coding platform. SoloLearn is not Tinder.
- 2
It will not work but use your PC browser or window explorer
- 3
I solved this question through this method but it is not good method anyone can help me to solve this question . To other method
You are trying to send a secret message, and you've decided to encode it by replacing every letter in your message with its corresponding letter in a backwards version of the alphabet.
What do your messages look like?
Create a program that replaces each letter in a message with its corresponding letter in a backwards version of the English alphabet.
Input Format:
A string of your message in its normal form.
Output Format:
A string of your message once you have encoded it (all lower case).
Sample Input:
Hello World
Sample Output:
svool dliow
###### solution####
a_z={"z":"a", "y":"b", "x":"c", "w":"d", "v":"e", "u":"f", "t":"g", "s":"h", "r":"i", "q":"j", "p":"k", "o":"l", "n":"m", "m":"n", "l":"o", "k":"p", "j":"q", "i":"r", "h":"s", "g":"t", "f":"u", "e":"v", "d":"w", "c":"x", "b":"y", "a":"z" }
result="".join(a_z.get(word,word) for word in input