+ 3
How can i create a virus
for androids
10 Antworten
+ 19
Opt for something harmless. If you want a good prank,
+ 13
If you have to ask...
+ 10
Why would you want to? I made one and tested it on my windows device, but that was just to see if I could do it. I will not help you create something harmful.
+ 10
Viruses can be very harmful to system memory or processing. It would not be a prank.
+ 9
OK...I get d point. tnxs
+ 7
I want to give you a serious answer.
Virus for android are generated with msfvenom in Metasploit Framework, learn Linux OS and Metasploit.
For more information read this: http://www.kalitutorials.net/2016/01/metasploit-for-future-hackers-msfvenom.html?m=1
Do you wanna create a virus from 0? Learn a programming languages like C++
Test the exploits with YOUR device, trust me... it's not fun harm others people.
Hacking != Virus in the phones of your friend.
~Sorry for my English ^_^
+ 6
u no ...to prank my friends
+ 4
+ 4
You'll be breaking the Computer Misuse Act, which the person ends up being in prison with unlimited fines.
+ 4
I don't think creating virus to prank your friends is the best option. you could as well create an app that can prank them without it being harmful. viruses are dangerous... Iretomiwa