How to work with CSV Files?
can anyone give me any tutorial link? Where I can learn all about CSV.. I dont have pc right now I'm trying to learn as much as I can using mobile phone.. I'm coding using the Sololearn How to install Python in my phone? ps: my phone doesn't support google Playstore
6 Antworten
apkpure is a decent alternative to playstore. Try getting pydroid or somethin off that
Slick sorry but apkpure is an immersive rats and viruses source, really not recommended.
else, for mobile python IDE with integrated python and ability to download libraries go straight with blind eyes to
OP doesn't have google services so link won't work. And have you tried sending the apks through virus total and other similar sites? On most already free apps there is either no tracable malware or they are just gods of obfuscation.
Apkpure will work fine. If you're scared, scan the files.
But How to Scan the files?
look up virus total on google
I tried installing Pydroid 3 but When I tried to add libraries it didn't work and the app doesn't work smoothly in my phone 🙂