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Should i read books after the course or along with the course ?

I've been attending Js course for months. I wanna read books for more knowledge. Should i read after the course or along with the course ? Some ppl suggest to read book after knowing the basic knowledge of Js

23rd Oct 2021, 2:48 PM
4 Antworten
Not important too much, do you read it after of right now. But make sure book you read is from this year. So you will learn things what is used now. And most important is to practice a lot, start making projects you like, or for more inspiration you can try this, I learned a lot by making some of this projects. Happy learning!! https://jsbeginners.com/javascript-projects-for-beginners/
23rd Oct 2021, 7:12 PM
PanicS - avatar
Programming comes from practice not from reading so don't waste time and money on books. Take benefits from the Internet. I never read any book.
23rd Oct 2021, 2:53 PM
A͢J - avatar
learn frameworks and Do practice practically
23rd Oct 2021, 3:49 PM
Taha Mansoor
Taha Mansoor - avatar
Best way for me was video tutorials + book. So yes, read it
23rd Oct 2021, 5:58 PM
Dennis Torhov
Dennis Torhov - avatar