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Kotlin custom value arrays
Well, in C++ we have library <vector> or dynamic memory It helps us to create an array with N elements (like, if we input in console N, we can continue to enter the values until the number of values reaches N) Is there an analog of them in Kotlin?
6 Antworten
Please, what do you mean by this question ? Ask it in an other way, because I think I can help you
VCoder well, if you are into C++, you may know something about vectors – arrays, which can hold as many elements as you want without declaring a size of array. For example:
#inlude <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
a.push_back(3); //now it has 1 element
int n;
int b[n];
b[0]=3; //error, n is non-constant arguement
return 0;
Vectors can hold more values than the common arrays without declaring a size, that is the reason why I am asking
And you want the thing but with kotlin ? Is it right ?
VCoder no, no, I want to make an array in Kotlin, which hold integrals and can ardd several numbers from console
So you want an array where you can do special manipulations like adding and removing elements ?
Here is a code where you can give multiple integer inputs and each of them will be added dynamically to the list (in Kotlin) :
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val arr = mutableListOf<Int>()
var input: String? = readLine()
while(input != null) {
input = readLine()
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