Python for beginners 23.3 hit or miss
This is my code: tries=4 score=100 while tries > 0: action=input() if action=="hit": score+=10 if action=="miss": score-=20 tries-=1 print(score) It keeps saying ~“EOF reading the line” on line 4. Pls help :c
7 Antworten
+ 3
Can you please share the description of this task?
+ 3
It looks like you need to take 4 inputs at the beginning of your while loop.
If you are familiar with lists just put them into a list. Otherwise you need to create 4 variables and check each of them.
+ 1
Hello Parham M
On sololearn you need to enter all input values at the beginning.
Your while loop runs 4 times so you need to enter 4 times hit/miss in this form:
Then press run.
+ 1
I can’t input the strings myself, the system does it. Should I take the input function out of the while loop?
+ 1
You are making a game! The player tries to shoot an object and can either hit or miss it.
The player starts with 100 points, with a hit adding 10 points to the player’s score, and a miss deducting 20 points.
Your program needs to take 4 action results as input ("hit" or "miss"), calculate and output the player’s remaining points.
+ 1
I haven’t learned lists yet. I guess I should study further before attempting this challenge.
Thank you for your help.
+ 1
Parham M
Program is running successfully no issue.