why is ee not in the first place when he is having the most number of coins which is 11 coins?
arr = {"a": 2,"b": 3,"k": 10,"c": 4,"j": 9,"d": 5,"ee": 11,"f": 6,"g": 7,"h": 8} abb = ["a","j","ee","b","c","d","k","g","f","h"] for i in abb: for q in arr: if i == q: print(max(abb)) abb.remove(max(abb)) print(max(abb)) abb.remove(max(abb)) print(max(abb)) abb.remove(max(abb)) print(max(abb)) abb.remove(max(abb)) print(max(abb)) abb.remove(max(abb)) """ the government is holding a low-cost housing program because the funds are borne by donors. But because there are so many low-cost house enthusiasts, the government wants to sort out who is the first and who is the last to get a low-cost house. Sorted by who gave the most coins then he became the first order output: k j h g f ee d c b a May Allah bless you if you can solve this problem.