+ 4
What improvements to sololearn do you see?
I wish there is a way to inspect certain questions after finishing a challenge. because some questions that I got wrong I'd be interested to know why my answer is wrong. and having the opportunity to inspect a failed question would improve my skills. I'm not saying i want to see the answers. i just want to have the opportunity to look at the question again after finishing a challenge.
15 Antworten
+ 4
in challenges, you get more points for difficult courses/questions than in easier ones, like HTML.
+ 12
Simply more course will satisfy me.
And of course major fix in Challenge.
+ 11
tl;dr Challenge answers will never be disclosed. We have had countless discussions on why they shouldn't be. You may screenshot them and work them out later on.
+ 11
allow to disable the damn console logs in web codes completely ._.
+ 6
+1 to that!
I also wish they'd let the programming languages be more flexible.
For example, don't only take the users input once, and before the program starts. It should let them take input however many times, whenever it's written in the code.
+ 6
make upvote/downvote buttons slightly bigger XD
my kebab fingers keep hitting the "recent upvotes" in the middle
+ 3
Questions with polls so people can just simply click on the options. Then a graphical representation of the poll results for those who cast their votes.
+ 3
A statistics view:
- Where are people located
- How many people took challenges
- How many points were won/lost/draw
- Average xp points of all users
- etc.
+ 2
More badges, for example:
- A badge for inviting a certain amount of people to soloLearn
- A badge if a question attracts more than 100 answers
- A badge for upvoting and/or selecting an answer as the best answer to a question
+ 2
A countdown on the challenges. Either a countdown that is from the very start visible or only visible if you only got 5 seconds left.
+ 2
You get xp points or a special badge or any other reward if you report bugs or make improvements to soloLearn.
+ 2
Exchanging xp points into real goods, like coupons, amazon giftcards, merchandise, real money, etc.
+ 2
make the drag and drop items larger. sometimes it's like really hard to drag the correct one, especially if that item is only one character long. >.<
+ 2
They could extend the courses more to have a more profficiency level.
+ 2
selectively delete challenges results. i only want to keep those where i made mistakes, so i can learn from my mistakes