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suppose we allocate memory equal to unit integer i.e 4 bytes in my system...so i can i now pack 4 charcaters(since 1 char is one byte) in that allocated space on the integer...its like buying a large container which was meant to store water and then storing small containers filled with water inside it..i hope i could make you understand :)
2 Antworten
+ 2
hmmm The answer is: yes.
C has many ways to accomplish this. Here is one way as proof of concept:
int n;
char *c = (char*)&n;
c[0] = 'H'; c[1] = 'i'; c[2] = '!'; c[3] = '\0';
puts((char*)&n); // using int to print string
// output: Hi!
Another way:
int n = ('H') + ('i'<<8) + ('!'<<16) + ('\0'<<24);
//output: Hi!
And there is also the aforementioned union data structure (see FF9900's comment), which you can search out next to study.