+ 1
Absurdly large Challange question
For some time now I have been playing the challanges using python. I have seem to notice that some questions are absurdly large. I am not a very fast claculation guy. But neither I am a slow one. But when u set up question having a super class and then two more subclasses that can not be solved instantaneously if u havent seen it beforehand. My question is Is there any regulatory team that reviews the submitted questions before adding them in the challenge ? Or do u guys simply enjoy when people cant answer
2 Antworten
+ 11
First the quizzes are rated by the community (quiz factory > rate submissions), then SoloLearn checks and approves or declines them.
If you don't like a particular question for good reason, you can report it to SoloLearn after the challenge (view correct answers > '!' icon on the upper right, requires V1.3.1).
+ 1
Thanks for the help Tashi. Just updated my app and now I cant find the questions I wanted to report 🙁🙁🙁