How can i replace words to alphabet in input ?
https://code.sololearn.com/cKDHbTMY754F/?ref=app Like a = 1 , b = 2 , c = 3 and more.. For example i input abc, And i want to get 6 in output. How it’s gonna work ? I want to learn ,pls🐌
33 Antworten
+ 9
You'd most likely have to have a dictionary with those values, ex:
data = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, ...}
Then you split string, access data dict with each letter and add the key's value to total.
+ 4
You can try use of ascii values there..
'a' ascii value is 97
'z' ascii value is 97+26
ord() function returns ascii value.
ord('a') returns 97 , 'a' ascii value..
ord('a') - 97+1 returns 1
ord('z') - 97 +1 returns 26
By using loop, you can find sum..
With @slick solution of using dictionary and mapping dict values is like:
With having dictionary, replace 'a' with dict('a') so 'abcd' becomes '1234'.
hope it helps...
+ 3
If input is 'a3b8hk' then what is your expected output? briefly how?
+ 2
What questions do you have about my answer? It gives just enough away to point you in the right direction without just giving away the answer.
+ 1
Okay, do you know about dictionaries and how to make and access them? Do you know about the <string>.split() function? Do you know about loops?
We need to know where you're at to help guide you to where you're going.
+ 1
Take the big problem and break it into smaller problems. You don't need to code it all in one line. First, do it on a piece of paper than take the steps you used and translate them to code. Give it a shot and post the attempt
+ 1
As I said it before,
ord('h') -97+1 returns 11
You can replace it with h
You can repeat this within a loop.
If you want to use dictionary, then learn about dictionary. It will like this ex:
dic = { 'a' : 1, 'b':2, .... 'z':26 };
replace( 'a', dic('a') ) will replace 'a' with 1 (*sample way only, not exact syntax).
Before replacing, check : if (not 'a'.isdigit() ) so that only alphabet gets replace...
+ 1
This is an example in Python (everything is very detailed explained):
# this links each letter of the alphabet to its corresponding numbers: a = 1, b = 2, etc...
# gets the input and assigns it to inp
# assigns the varable output to an empty string
# creates a loop through the input and creates the variable n (for example: if the input is "hi", the first time n equals "h" and the second time n equals "i".)
for n in inp:
# adds the number (see where the variable alphabet is defines) that is linked to n to the output
# prints the output
+ 1
dict(enumerate("abc",1)) could make the dict easier to create
Slick Can you explain more ?🐁
Slick I mean i don’t have idea how is working, like how can i call data in input for convert to num for sum🐌
Slick i know <string>.split() function but i don’t know about access dic🌚
Jayakrishna🇮🇳 I don’t want ascii value i just want replace alphabet words to num, and it’s working everywhere like :
In the case you just mentined, you'd have to then just use list() on a string to turn it into a list of characters.
Then you'd have to use <character>.isdigit() to check if the string value is a number.
If it's not a number, use the character to access the data dictionary and replace the index with the cooresponding value.
Then at the end, sum up all the numbers by changing everything in the list to an int() and add them all up
Slick i just confused i think it will make me crazy🐢
input = (a3b8hk)
It’s 1328811
output = 6
Ness Shon wow, it was my wish
Can you explain code in conversation ?