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Is making an app hard? And about how long does it take? Xcode and Swift

28th Jul 2022, 1:21 AM
2 Antworten
Android application development is harder than web development because it requires Android Studio which is a very heavy software, also if you want to publish it on play store, you have to pay for it. Hope it helps!
28th Jul 2022, 1:36 AM
Arnav Gumber
Arnav Gumber - avatar
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Preston as Code Infinite with Arnav said before, it surely takes more time than web development. However, the thing is like this... In Nursery, you know nothing In 1st grade, you know how to add/subtract/multiply/divide. In 12th, you're a math geek who knows trigonometry, algebra, etc.. Another example would be, First you walk, then increase your speed, then run, then get faster... And then win the race. The journey till their is difficult and hard but if you take efforts you will get results. Likewise, if you "practice,practice, practice" then app development can also be like playing with code than just programing. So, it's upon you. You take efforts, you will find it easy. There's nothing hard, just practice.
28th Jul 2022, 1:41 PM
Bhaveshsingh Pawar
Bhaveshsingh Pawar - avatar