+ 1

I we okay to add other people coding's to our own code too?

I just know ideas of coding in my own way

5th Aug 2022, 5:05 AM
Jason Paivey
Jason Paivey - avatar
2 Antworten
+ 5
Jason Paivey yes generally you can add their codes / save their codes to study as private. If you do happen to save someone's code and it's public be sure that their name as creator is preserved as creator example: <!-- Created by Sololearn --> and if you modify it be sure to identify where and or what you did as <!-- Created by Sololearn --> <!-- Modified by Jason Paivey -->
5th Aug 2022, 5:12 AM
BroFar - avatar
Thanks to you guys but I just don't know how to do what your said at the last part but thanks though to all you guys
7th Aug 2022, 4:23 AM
Jason Paivey
Jason Paivey - avatar