+ 1

Plz explain me how to find remainder in python language idk much as i am a beginner in python so explain in simple language ?

Still a beginner don't have brains to understand a code.

8th Sep 2022, 4:01 PM
AMAN KUMAR - avatar
4 Antworten
+ 5
NOTES : This may help 😆 1. ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS: +( Addition) - ( subtraction) * ( Multiplication) / ( Division) // (Floor division only show int value in quotient) Example : 100//3 = 33.33❎ 100//3 = 33 ✅☑️ ** ( Exponential) 5**2 = 25 % ( modulus) reminder of division 100%30 = 10 2. Comparisons operator : 5>3 ( 5 greater than 3 ) 5<3 ( 5 lesser than 3) 5==3 ( 5 equals to 3) 5>=3 ( 5 greater than equal to 3) 5<= 3 ( 5 lesser then equal to 3) 5 != 3 ( 5 not equals to 3) 3. Assignment operator: Age = 34 ( Variable assign to value) B+=20 Also write as B = B+20 4 . Bitwise operator: Mostly used in the set data type to & ( Intersection) | ( Union) - ( Difference) 5. Logic operator: I suggest to Refer Boolean table
11th Sep 2022, 1:00 PM
KARAN SINGH D - avatar
+ 3
Read lesson 6.1 of Python for Beginners again. You can read the lessons as often as you like.
8th Sep 2022, 4:16 PM
Lisa - avatar
+ 1
Dividing is basicly adding a second number as many times as you can until you get the first number: 6/2 ..... 2+2+2 = 6 => you added 2 three times. That means 6/2 = 3 Okay sure. But what if you try: 5/2 ..... 2+2+??? Now what? 2+2+2 = 6 2+2 = 4 So you just take the smaller number and find out what you need to add to get your 5: 5-4 = 1 Now you can see that you need to add 1 to get 5. That one is what REMAINDS to add. It is a remainder. And that is what '%' sign does. It gives you this 1. 5/2 = 2.5 5%2 = 1 8/4 = 2 8%4 = 0 Because you don't have to add anything to get 8: 4+4 = 8 BUT: 9%4 = 1 -> 4+4 = 8 ->9-8 = 1
8th Sep 2022, 4:38 PM
Zuziss - avatar
+ 1
Hi! The operator of the remainder of the number % (for example: 17 % 3 = 2) 1. Take the nearest number when divided by 3 would be zero. That's apparently 15 2. Subtract 15 from 17 and the result is your answer. 17-15=2
8th Sep 2022, 4:45 PM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar