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A)Using python data structure to store marks scored in subject "Python Programming" by N students in the class. Write functions
1 Antwort
classroom = {}
def add_student_marks(student_name, marks):
classroom[student_name] = marks
def get_student_marks(student_name):
return classroom.get(student_name, "Student not found")
def get_average_marks():
total_marks = sum(classroom.values())
return total_marks / len(classroom) if classroom else 0
def get_highest_marks():
if classroom:
max_marks = max(classroom.values())
top_students = [student for student, marks in classroom.items() if marks == max_marks]
return top_students, max_marks
return "No students in the class", 0
# Example usage
add_student_marks("Alice", 95)
add_student_marks("Bob", 87)
add_student_marks("Charlie", 92)