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When Scripting and Encoding Will be Added.
I Want Encoding,Scripts all types of in All Launges with Translator to translate All types Of Scripts and Encoded Languages, I Mean .cs,.scm,.dex,.asi. files to be added for making script for making,modifying game script to make Modifications.
3 Antworten
+ 10
Excuse me, what exactly do you mean to ask?
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i mean i want Scripts for making softwares for example .cs mean compile script
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The .cs extension stands for CSharp, usually. The first thing I think about while reading your... question? Is that you are into making game mods and unless knowing languages you watched some tutorials of game modding for exact cases and games.
First of all, game SCRIPTS are usually not written in programming language, they are in some sort of script language. (However, in Unity there are C#/JS scripts on objects, but) scripts are usually realtime interpreted. There are (maybe) hundreds of scripting languages, which are dedicated to certain games or programs they use them. Modding is another thing, by replacing libraries and somewhat compiled code.
A coding community for learners is not meant to teach you to mod or hack. If you are interested in such things, feel free to browse the google and forums on the net. But. Do not hurry to make some huge things. Always start small and with the essentials and bases. Writing or modding a game not knowing the language in the required level only leads to mistakes, which can be demotivating too... learn to code, then learn to mod.